Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So They Say We're Illiterate...

Since the beginning of time Blacks have had to endure the unequal treatment placed upon them by their oppressors. This has caused many issues within the Black community. One of the most prominent problems is that a large percentage of Black women are considered illiterate by the terms of society. However, there are many contributors to this statistic that are caused primarily by the structure of the curriculum, instead of by the woman herself. Even the educational systems that are in effect today neglect the needs of young Black women, thus leaving them illiterate. Sadly, this lack of regard damages the future of the children born to these women, which creates an ongoing cycle of illiteracy.

It bothers me that Black women have to work twice as hard as anyone else to be accepted in European society. In the classroom setting, the needs of a Black woman remain unmet, yet she is still expected to succeed. Adding children to this equation makes learning even more of a task. Though it is unfair, Black women must fight to overcome these challenges. She is the force that will drive the Black race to be viewed as more than a group of people that allow the government to take care of her family through services such as welfare. The day when the majority of Black women are literate, is the day that they can teach their children to become literate. The race will finally be seen as the intelligent people they are. They will have achieved the two most important aspects of society, advancement and social change.

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